Set up Firewall


Step 1: Click on the window button on your screen and search for Windows Firewall With Advanced Security, Click on it and this will show below;

Step 2: Click on Inbound  Rules to create new rules

Step 3: Click on New Rules  and this will show below, click on port and next to move to the page


Step 4: The specific local ports should be 1433, This allow for connection and prevent unauthorized user from accessing the server. Click next to continue;

Step 5: Allow the connection and click next to continue the process.

Step 6: Name the rule sql server 1433 to allow authorization and click Finish to complete the first process.

Step 7: Repeat the same process from step 1. This time replace the number 1433 with 1434 for sql server 1434 to complete the second process.

Step 8: Click on new rules and program to create a program for the server

Step 9: This steps allows you create a program path;

  • Click on browse to go to the program file
  • click on This PC or My Computer
  • Open C drive or local Disk C
  • Open Program Files
  • Open Microsoft SQL Server
  • Open MSSQL
  • Open Binn
  • Select sqlserver and click on Open

Step 10:

Allow connection and click on Next.

Step 11:

Ensure that the Domain, Private and Public is checked, Then click Next.

Step 12: Name the rule sql server and click Finish to complete the full process.


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