StoreApp installation checklist

Thank you for choosing StoreApp. You have made a very good decision for your business.

The StoreApp application is a simple lightweight program that allows you enter your business data, processes them and gives you needed information about your business. StoreApp application itself does not store any of those data. The data is stored in a separate but connected program called a database manager. There are so many database manager in the market today but we (Clearwox) use Microsoft SQL server (MSSQL server).

The summary of this installation is that you need to install Microsoft SQL server on one of your computers (called SERVER) and StoreApp application and also complete some settings which will enable both of them to communicate. So here is a check list of all you have to do to start using StoreApp.

Note that you do not need to be a computer Guru to install StoreApp, all you need is to follow the guide carefully.

Perform the following installations and settings on the server computer:

  1. Install Microsoft SQL sever on the server computer: the server computer must at least have the following specification. You will also need a good internet connection.
    • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (any higher version of windows is good too)
    • 2 GB installed memory (RAM) and 60GB of hard disk.
    • Activated .NET framework 3.5. CLICK HERE to see how to activate this feature.
    • Installed .NET framework 4.5. CLICK HERE to see how to install.
    • To install Microsoft SQL server CLICK HERE.
  2. Set up firewall: this is required so that other computers will be able to communicate with MSSQL server on the server computer. CLICK HERE to see how.
  3. Configure SQL server to allow it receive external connection. CLICK HERE to see how.
  4. Setup database. CLICK HERE to see how.
  5. Install StoreApp. CLICK HERE to see how.
  6. Complete a connection setup CLICK HERE to see how.
  7. Activate StoreApp license. CLICK HERE to see how.
  8. Restart your computer.

Perform the following installations and settings on the client computer(s): 

Note: ensure that the client computer(s) is/are on the same local area network as the server.

  1. Install .NET framework 4.5. CLICK HERE to see how to install.
  2. Install StoreApp. CLICK HERE to see how.
  3. Complete a connection setup CLICK HERE to see how.

If you are able to follow the guides carefully, then you have been able to install StoreApp on all your computers.

Congratulations!!! You can now sit back and enjoy the full benefit of a true business management software- StoreApp. CLICK HERE to see the basic structures in StoreApp.

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